Casting Hopes to the Future

Sharing thoughts, ideas, pictures, poems, moments….that help us to cast hopes to a better and brighter future, while give us joy to live today. (Disparando esperanzas al futuro)

Category: Friendship

Buenos dias/Good morning (06/12/13)

Buenos días,

La lluvia incesante me recuerda que los planes son sólo ensayos con intención mientras que la habilidad de cambiarlos es la vida en sí misma.

Te regalo un verso de Begoña Abad,

Voy contando sílabas
mientras te miro,
para deletrearte

Concretamente seis, “Querida Amiga”.
Besos en cada letra

Good morning,

The unremitting rain remind me plans are try with intent while the capacity to change them is life itself.

I gift a poem by Begoña Abad,

I’m counting the syllables
while I look to you
to spell you

Exactly three, “Dearest Friend”


Buenos dias/Good morning (02/11/13)


Que sea tu día como el de la gacela en la sabana.

Te regalo un verso de Mary Oliver,

For a while I could not remember some word
I was in need of,
and I was bereaved and said:where are you,
beloved friend?

Afortunadamente yo sí se donde estás amiga mía.

Besos divertidos.


May your day be as the springbok in the savanah.

I gift you a Mary Oliver vers;

For a while I could not remember some word
I was in need of,
and I was bereaved and said:where are you,
beloved friend?

Luckily I do know where you are my friend.

Funny kisses


Buenos dias/Good morning (01/11/13)

Buenos dias.

Que se pueblen los corazones y se olviden los desaires, que las personas queridas nos vengan a ver y los brindis nunca se acaben.

Te regalo un verso de Laura Casielles,

Pero no.

Hay que acariciarse los ojos.

También nosotros necesitamos amor para ser valientes

Y cómo lo somos cuando por fin lo tenemos!

Besos felices

Good morning.

May the hearts be populated and the forgotten the offences, may the beloved ones come to see ud and the toast never end.

I gift you a Laura Casielles vers,

But not.

We need to caress our eyes.

We also need love to be brave.

And so we are when we have it.

Happy kisses.


Buenos dias/Good morning (17/10/13)

Buenos preciosos días.

Te deseo un día como una fiesta llena de amigos, risas, gozo y sorpresas de conocer a gente nueva e incluso de conocer algo nuevo de esos viejos amigos.

Te regalo un haiku de Luis Alberto de Cuenca, Duda metódica;

Dime, tú, estrella,
si tu cielo es un premio
o una condena

Si dímelo si quieres pero sobre todo dámelo, lo que sea quiero vivirlo por mí mismo.

Besos de amanecer

Good beautiful morning.

I wish you a day like a party full of friends, laughing, joy and surprises knowing new people or even knowing something new from the old ones.

I gift you a Luis Alberto de Cuenca haiku, Methodic doubt;

Tell me, you, star
if your heaven is a prize
or a punishment

Yes, say it to me if you want but overall give it to me, whatever it is I want to live it by myself.

Dawn kisses


Buenos dias/Good morning (06/10/13)

Buenos dias sendero entre las sombras.

Que hoy rompas todas las estadísticas y seas tan alegre que asustes a los viejos canónicos.

Te regalo un maravilloso verso de Pedro Salinas:

Perdóname por ir así buscándote
tan torpemente, dentro
de ti.
Perdóname el dolor alguna vez.
Es que quiero sacar
de ti tu mejor tú

Lindo cuando es cierto, torpe cuando es excusa, siempre difícil sacar lo mejor de otros sin invadir, tal vez el truco sea no sacar sino crear el espacio para que el otro saque. Besos no exigidos.

Good morning path among the shades.

May you today break all the statistics and be so joyful that scares the old caconicals.

I gift a wonderful vers by Pedro Salinas:

Forgive me to go like that looking for you
so dumbly, inside
of you.
Forgive the pain sometimes.
It is I want to take from you
the best of you

Nice when true, stupid when is just an excuse, always difficult to take out the best of someone not invading, maybe the trick is not to take out but create the space for the other to flourish.

Non demanded kisses


Buenos dias/Good morning (29/08/13)

Buenos días desde el otro lado del mundo.

Te deseo que los pasos de cebra se acomoden a tu caminar, que las ventanas se pongan a tu altura, que los escalones sean siempre de bajada, te deseo que la vida te lo ponga fácil, aunque sea solo una vez.


Te regalo un verso de Ana Muñoz

Qué feliz cuando apareces
y parece que todo es haber
que nada hay en el deber


Qué hermoso que alguien nos haga sentir así! Qué hermoso que hagamos a alguien sentirse así!

Besos presentes.

Good morning from the other corner of the world.

I wish you the zebra crossing adapt to your walk, the windows get your height, the stairs are always downstairs, I wish you the life makes things easy, at least once.


I gift you a Ana Muñoz poem,

What a happiness when you show up
and it looks everything is having
that nothing is duty


How beautiful someone makes us feel like that! How beautiful we make someone feels like that!

Present kisses


(Apologies for the poem poor translation)

Buenos dias/Good morning (26/08/13)

Buenos días de fresca brisa.

Que las horas se te conviertan en instantes, que las palabras en regalos, que los gestos en sonrisas.

Te regalo un verso de Benjamín Prado,

Lo que importa de un poema es en quién te convierte

Y lo que importa de que te escriba es tan solo acompañarte.

Besos mano a mano

Good mornig of fresh breeze.

Shall your hours became instants, shall the words gifts, shall the gestures smiles.

I gift yoy a Benjamin Prado poem.

What matters about a poem is what it makes you become

And what matters about writing to you is just to accompany you.

Kisses shoulder to shoulder


Buenos dias/Good morning (24/08/13)

Buenos días desde los “países pequeños” jeje.

Te deseo un hermoso día lleno de lo que quieras llenarlo, todo está por hacer.

Te regalo un verso de Benjamín Prado,

Teresa dijo un día:
Si necesitas alguien como yo, acuérdate de mí

Es sencillo hoy o mañana o cuando sea, ando aquí para vos, si me requieres, sólo silba.

Besos infinitos

Good morning from the “little countries” hehe.

I wish you a beautiful day, plenty of what you want to fill it, nothing is yet done.

I gift you a Benjamin Prado poem,

Teresa said once:/If you need someone like me, remind you of me

It’s easy today or tomorrow o whenever will be, I’m her for you, if you want me, just whistle.

Infinite kisses.


Buenos dias/Good morning (22/08/13)

Bonjour my dear.

Te deseo un día con el aroma de una panadería francesa, que te transporte a lo esencial y te haga saborear los pequeños placeres de la vida.

Te regalo un verso de Benjamín Prado,

Que algo ya se haya dicho no significa qe no pueda volver a decirse por primera vez

Recuerdalo la próxima vez que digas “te amo”, o la próxima vez que me digas algo a mí ;).

Besos de primera vez.

Bonjour my dear.

I wish you a day with the essence of a French bakery, that takes you to the essentials and makes you taste the little pleasures of life.

I gift you a Benjamin Prado poem,

That somenthing has already been said, doesn’t mean it can’ be said again for first time

Bear it in mind the next time you say “I love you”, or the next one you talk to me ;).

First time kisses


Buenos dias (14/07/13)

Buenos republicanos días.

Te los deseo así, llenos de libertad, de igualdad y de fraternidad, ideal que espero no dejes de perseguir.

Te regalo un verso de Gioconda Belli, Te veo dormir;

Tantas mujeres hay en mí.
Y en cada una de ellas
se te ama

Disfruta del amor, si amas hazlo de verdad sin medidad ni compromiso, entrégate.

Besos amantes


Good night (09/07/13)

Good night!

I want to be thankful for the gifts I received today,

– Dancing boleros with my children!!!

– Feeling live can’t be better!

– Enjoying every minute, with the people close to me and with those ones in the distance but talking to them….smiling!

Thanks to life for such a great privilege.


Good night (07/07/13)

Good night!

I want to be thankful for the gifts I received today,

– A day with my children, talking, laughing, endless questioning, smiling, kissing, loving each other….what a gift!

– Writing an email to a very loved friend who’s in a tough part of the world, feeling so close to she!

– The consciousness of being so fortunate in this world and the responsibility to share that fortune with the rest.

Thanks to life for such a great privilege.


Buenos dias (07/07/13)

Buenos días desde otro cab yendo a otro aeropuerto en otro ciudad, aunque esta vez con la mejor compañía, dos pequeños a mi lado.

Te deseo un día como ese amanecer en el ecuador, no está aún, la noche es negra como mi alma, pero de pronto la luz estalla e inunda de vida, todo deprisa, sin tiempo ni aliento, y el milagro de otro día se nos hace presente.

Te regalo un verso de un poema mozambiqueño Mia Couto, Sem depois:

Todas as vidas gastei
para morrer contigo

todas as mortes gastei
para viver contigo

No lo olvides vive como quieras pero hazlo de manera que morirías por ello.

Besos con pasión


Good night (06/07/13)

Good night!

I want to be thankful for the gifts I received today,

–  Seeing and spending valuable time with my sister Teresa and her daughter, the complicity and love in such moment is a gift pretty unique

– Having re-encountered my children…what else to say!!

– Whatsup! What a wonderful tool to be in touch with people I do love so much.

Thanks to life for such a great privilege.


Good night (01/07/13)

Good night!

I want to be thankful for the gifts I received today,

–  Such a wonderful conversation with my friend Jenny, how much inspired I was for her strength and wisdom in facing the challenges she has ahead.

–  For this lovely message from Nuria tonight.

– For sharing time with such a talented colleagues, and their generosity to share their thoughts, feelings and views with me.

Thanks to life for such a great privilege.


Good night (30/06/13)

Good night!

I want to be thankful for the gifts I received today,

– The reencounter with my dear friend Françoise after a few months, the lovely chat and the mutual affection we have to each other, so great you are so generous with me giving me some of your joy.

– The train trip through UK countryside, bringing memories to me form long years ago, when as adolescent I met Paola…and never knew anymore from here.

– The good discussions about how to do better in our work, how amazing amount of talent I found in the room, what a privilege being part of it.

Thanks to life for such a great privilege.


Buenos dias (29/06/13)

Buenos dias desde la vibrante Londres.

Te deseo un día como ella, activo, vital, enérgico, multicultural y diverso, mezclado y mestizo…pero no necesaraimente lluvioso…jeje.

Te regalo un verso de Laura Casielles,

Veni, vidi, vici,
en pleno fragor de la batalla
un sutil soplo de silencio me reveló
que todo estaba perdido

Y no te olvides de sonreir, en la victoria o en la derrota, en el fragor o en la calma, sonreir alegra tu corazón.

Besos que sonrien y sonrisas que besan


Good night (28/06/13)

Good night!

I want to be thankful for the gifts I received today,

– For a conversation in a terrace under the sun in London with my colleague and friend Duncan, always a pleasure learning from him

– For the waffle at almost midnight ate on your behalf, thanks for making my life far better.

– For the growing by enjoying doing things on my own all my life did with others.

Thanks to life for such a great privilege.


Buenos dias (27/06/13)

Buenos dias desde Amsterdam, la vieja!

Te deseo un día en el que sientas el soplo del cariño de los que te queremos, por lejos que andemos.

Te regalo un verso de William Blake, The human abstract;

Pity would be no more
If we did not make somebody Poor,
And Mercy no more could be,
If all were as happy as we

No olvides que lamentar y no hacer no es una opción, que la rabia de la injusticia te mueva a la acción.

Besos comprometidos.


Good night (25/06/13)

Good night!

I want to be thankful for the gifts I received today,

– For you to come to say goodbye to me, thanks for your generosity and sympathy.

– For you, for staying in my mind and my heart, for the breath of life you gave to me, for making me a better person.

– For you, little children, for reminding me how much I can love just for the shake of loving.

Thanks to life for such a great privilege.
